
Hi! I’m Donna Meehan, an Educational Technologist for Sullivan County Boces, Libery, NY.  I love working with teachers, students and administration rediscovering education through digital learning.

As the Educational Technologist for Boces, I am responsible for facilitating the integration of technology into the instructional programs by supporting teachers. I also, work in the model school program offering webinars and district training to a pool of 9 districts. As part of the Coser program for Boces, I work for the Monticello Central School District facilitating the integration of technology into the common core aligned lessons by supporting teachers, instructional coaches, librarians, administration and students. This position is essential in attaining digital age learning of 21st century skills for both teachers and students. Our recent initiative is a one to one iPad initiative in grades 4 – 8 where I support, train, coach, and mentor staff as well as create a plan for other grades to follow.

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